tanapro SecretSafe is a password manager which allows you to securely save your secret data.
It runs on Win32 Desktops, Pocket PCs (PPC 2003, Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6), Smartphones (WM5, WM6), Linux und systems with a Java VM.

Version 1.5 now supports the new Attack Mode

Online Demo


taSecretSafe v1.6

What is taSecretSafe?
Multi language
Security features
Importing and exporting data
Entering and organizing data
Finding data

What is taSecretSafe ?

This application is a password manager that stores your credentials (usernames/passwords) securely in an encrypted file.
It is based on the Eve VM 1.42 ( http://www.ewesoft.com) and has following features:

  • Runs natively on Windows Desktops, Pocket PCs (PPC 2003, Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6), Smartphones (WM5, WM6), and Linux. It also runs on some other platforms - please contact us for more details.
  • Multi-lingual GUI
  • Store your secret data securely.
  • Support for unlimited amount of encryted data files (*.tss). The program remembers the last used data file and loads it at the next program start.
  • The data file can be passed on the commandline (e.g. taSecretSafe.exe MyPasswords.tss) - then this data file is loaded and not the last use one.
  • Along with the credentials you can store additional information in the 'URL' and 'Notes' fields.
  • Integrated Password Generator
  • The data is organized in a tree of unlimited depth and the entries can be moved to an other location in the tree.
  • The timestamp of the creation and modification of every node is saved, so you can see when the entry was created and when it was modified the last time.
  • The application can be used by several users simultanously. The first user gets full access to the data while all subsequent users get a notification saying that they will have read-only access.
  • If you wish to have a read-only copy of your data file on a second computer, just set the read-only flag on the data file. The data file will then be accessed in read-only mode.
  • For trouble shooting you can activate the debug mode in which the program will gather and display additional information which might help to solve the problem.


Multi language

The application is delivered in english and german, but is designed to support any number of languages. To translate the application into your language or to change the existing english / german texts, follow the instructions in the 'Custom Language Package' (taSecretSafe-Custom.zip).


Security features

  • The data file is encrypted using the BlowfishCBC 448-bit algorithm.
  • The master password is salted and hashed. This makes the data file a bit more secure should you choose a week master password. But of course using a strong master password is always the better choice!
  • After 1 minute of inactivity, the application prompts you to make a keyboard / mouse input. If this does not happen within 15 seconds, the application closes itself.
    This also works correctly on Windows Mobile if the device is suspended (sleeping) while taSecretSafe is open. In this case, no prompt will be shown and the application closes itself immediately after the device wakes up again.
    Unsaved changes are NOT SAVED when the application auto-closes!
  • The 'Copy password to clipboard' function empties the clipboard again after 15 seconds.
  • Before saving the data file, a copy of the old data file is made (yourDataFile.tss.bak)


Importing and exporting data

Data can be imported from another taSecretSafe file or from a tab-delimited CSV file. The data is inserted as the first child node of the current group node.

The format of the CSV text file is as follows:

  • The character encoding is ANSI.
  • Every entry is stored in 1 line which ends with a CRLF and contains the data, separated by TABs (tabulators):
  • In the 'Notes' field you can use ^n for line breaks and ^t for tabulators.
  • All fields can be empty, but the TABs are mandatory.
    If the date fields are left empty, taSecretSafe will set the date fields to the current date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".

With the export function you can export the secrets of the selected branch to an unencrypted text file. The format is identical with the import format. The groups are not exported.


Entering and organizing data

The data is organized in a tree of unlimited depth. To a group you can add new child groups, sibling groups or secrets. Both, groups and secrets, are nodes of the tree and can be moved to an other location in the tree with the Cut and Paste functions.
Pasting a node inserts it at the position that is currently selected, while adding a node appends the node as last child of the selected node.
You can also delete a node or a complete branch. Be careful here: There is NO UNDO for this operation! The only way back is to quit the application without saving the data file or revert to the backup file.


Finding data

You can search for nodes that contain the string you are searching for. The search is always case-insensitive and searches all data fields of all nodes (groups and secrets). You cannot search for dates, though.
'Find' always searches from the root of the tree. 'Find next' continues the search from the last found node (not from the currently selected node).



If you encounter problems when working with this application, you might want to activate the debug mode. This mode gathers data on certain operations (e.g. CSV import) and you can then view this data after the operation is done. The debug data might help you find out what is going wrong.
When the application starts, the debug mode is always off. The application does not remember the state of the debug mode.


Additional information